Compact Web Document

A new era for digital documents

The CWD format is a new powerful and multimedia document file that allows rich contents such images, videos, audios, live maps and of course, text.

With CWD you can easily build your own document with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the resulting file is an high standard and compressed portable document, readable with a CWD Reader.

App screenshot

Imagine a CWD file as a portable browser, in fact, the official CWD Reader uses Blink as renderer engine.

The document is zoomable and printable like a canonical PDF file but uses a non-proprietary standard, so is more extendible and universal, and doesn't keep any custom or not well defined logic or behaviour.

Download the official CWD Reader v1.0 Alpha 9

You can open a CWD file as a ZIP file and read and extract the raw content, the result will be a set of file that a CWD Reader will merge and use for the document rendering.

Compact Web Document also known as CWD, is an innovative document format that is made for pixel perfect document viewing on any platform possible. In fact, CWD is (or, will be) available for Linux, Microsoft ® Windows ®, MacOSX, Android and iOS.

It's an innovative embedded web document that comes with the benefit of the web world in a document thinking, like Adobe PDF, Microsoft ® Word, ePUB and other similar format.

You can think as a web page embedded on a portable file with all the benefits of a web page but the portability of a straightforward document.

Essentially, a CWD file, is a ZIP file with all HTML directives and resources included, usually a CWD Reader will read it in memory (RAM) and will render like a browser does, in fact, the official CWD Reader renders the page with the Blink engine.

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